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Spring Back Into Health

by Stacey Kaplan LAc, LMT

Ah, Spring. Trees and flowers are blooming, daylight is extended and temperatures are on the rise. I know it happens every year, but it always seems like such a nice surprise after Winter.

This re-awakening of nature's life and beauty also has a tendency to stir up pent up emotions we've been hibernating with through the cooler months like frustration and restlessness. Also being stirred up... Allergies.

Check out these tips on how to replenish your vitality through this lively, rejuvenating season.
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Start your day off with a glass of warm, or room temperature water with lemon before breakfast. This can help stimulate the digestion, support the liver and give you a little vitamin C boost.

Step up your physical activity a bit. Try getting outside for brisk walks more often. Spending time outside in nature is emotionally and physically soothing.
Eat locally grown produce. Some of my Spring favorites are; artichoke, asparagus, chives, collard greens, spinach, Swiss chard, watercress, radish, fennel, mint and parsley.

Use a sinus rinse to help flush allergens out of your sinuses. Always use pre-boiled or distilled water in your neti pot.

Get rid of some old baggage to make room for change and growth. Maybe sort through your wardrobe and donate what your don't wear. Or, find ways to de-clutter your inbox.

Write down things that make you happy in life and commit to cultivating those things in a small, or big, way every day.

Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are very effective in combating allergies and soothing emotional volatility. Come on in for treatment to help support you through the season!